RF DYNAMIC face is a technologically advanced device that provides simplicity of application. Enables visible rejuvenation and tightening of facial skin.
The frequency of treatment enables better blood circulation, restoring the tightness of the facial muscles.
With its thermal effect, radiofrequency cause the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, while the straightened spirals of already present collagen contract, which leads to immediate tightening of the skin, and the lifting effect is visible immediately after the first treatment.
This treatment is suitable for the face, wrinkles and lines around the eyes, droopy eyelids, eye bags, forehead and facial wrinkles, puffy cheeks, nasolabial folds, double chin and neck lines.
The RF DYNAMIC FACE work mode is fractionated energy – divided into the smallest parts, where, in addition to renewal on the surface, heat is placed in the deeper tissue layers. The effect that is achieved is a complete restoration of the outer surface of the skin, but also a strong stimulation of the production of new collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. As collagen is the basic ingredient that makes the skin firm and taut, we get rejuvenation with a preserved natural appearance, using the natural potential of our body.